Saturday, March 13, 2010

Are Bed and Bath Products safe?

Particularly lotion. I LOVE their lotions. They smell and seem to provide proper nourishment for my skin. But when I told someone about it, they snidely informed me that hey used lotions that had natural ingredients that they thought were probably far better for the skin.

These words really got me worried. Does Bed and Bath lotions pose any potential danger against the skin? If I continued to use them would I be inflicting harm upon myself, and possibly sow the seeds for future skin problems/ailments?Are Bed and Bath Products safe?
Safe is a relative term. Everything you're ever going to come into contact in your life has the potential to hurt you. Even oxygen is a poison, it plays a huge roll in the breakdown of cells and aging.

And natural is not always safer. Plenty of potential poisons are natural, I point you to my previous answer of oxygen. Vitamin C in excess can cause diarrhea and dehydration. Excess of iron can significantly damage the liver.

Bottom line, if these products weren't at least reasonably safe, with all of the watch dog groups today, they wouldn't be on the market or they would come with a disclaimer.

Your friend is what I like to refer to as a ';natural'; or ';organic'; snob. Next time this friend gives you trouble, kindly tell him/her that even if their skin care product is natural, the chemicals that will leech out of the plastic packaging make it no more natural than the house s/he lives in or the computer s/he types on.Are Bed and Bath Products safe?
Its safe but the less the lotion smells the healthier it is for you. But I couldnt do that haha I like lotion that smells good.
Ignore them, they're just being a product snob. While I prefer to use as all natural as I can, bath and body works products are completely safe, so you have nothing to worry about.

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